View Full Version : Browser Reports - Chrome, FF3 and IE8

09-08-2008, 02:52 PM
We occasionally get some reports that specific menu configurations don't work in the latest browser releases. To help find, solve and fix these issues, we'd appreciate it if you would post any oddities you have seen with UDM4 in any of the following browsers:

FireFox 3.x
Google Chrome

If possible, include a link to your site, and details of what extensions, modules, etc (if any) you have included.

Thanks for your help.


09-09-2008, 03:36 PM


//path to images folder
um.baseSRC = "udm-resources/";

//initialization trigger element ["id"];
um.trigger = "";

//navbar orientation
um.orientation = [
"horizontal", // alignment ["vertical"|"horizontal"|"popup"|"expanding"]
"left", // h align ["left"|"right"|"rtl"]
"top", // v align ["top"|"bottom"]
"relative", // positioning ["relative"|"absolute"|"fixed"|"allfixed"]
"", // x position ["em"|"ex"|"px"|"0"]
"0", // y position ["em"|"ex"|"px"|"0"]
"1000", // z order ["0" to "10000"] (menu takes 20000 headroom)

//navbar list output
um.list = [
"flexible", // horizontal overflow ["rigid"|"flexible"]
"yes", // -SPARE-
"no", // -SPARE-

//menu behaviors
um.behaviors = [
"200", // open timer ["milliseconds"|"0"]
"500", // close timer ["milliseconds"|"never"|"0"]
"yes", // reposition menus to stay inside the viewport ["yes"|"no"]
"default", // manage windowed controls for win/ie ["default","hide","iframe","none"]

//reset behaviors
um.reset = [
"yes", // reset from document mouse click ["yes"|"no"]
"yes", // reset from window resize ["yes"|"no"]
"yes", // reset from text resize ["yes"|"no"]
"no", // reset after following link ["yes"|"no"]

//horizontal continuation strip
um.hstrip = [
"none", // background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"|"none"]
"yes", // copy item margin-right to margin-bottom ["yes"|"no"]

/************************************************** *************\
\************************************************* **************/

//keyboard navigation
um.keys = [
"38", // up ["n"] ("38" = up arrow key)
"39", // right ["n"] ("39" = right arrow key)
"40", // down ["n"] ("40" = down arrow key)
"37", // left ["n"] ("37" = left arrow key)
"123", // hotkey ["n"] ("123" = F12)
"none", // hotkey modifier ["none"|"shiftKey"|"ctrlKey"|"altKey"|"metaKey"]
"27", // escape ["n"|"none"] ("27" = escape key)
"document.getElementsByTagName('a')[4]", // exit focus ["js-expression"]

/************************************************** *************\
\************************************************* **************/

//styles which apply to the navbar
um.navbar = [
"0", // nav to menu x-offset (+-)["n" pixels]
"0", // nav to menu y-offset (+-)["n" pixels]
"", // width ["em"|"ex"|"px"] (vertical navbar only - horizontal navbar items have "auto" width) ("%" doesn't work right)

// erste Ebene waagrecht
// styles which apply to each navbar item
um.items = [
"0", // margin between items ["n" pixels]
"0", // border size ["n" pixels] (single value only)
"collapse", // border collapse ["collapse"|"separate"] (only applies when margin = "0")
"white #d4d4d4 #b1b1b1 #999999",// border colors ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"] (single, double or four values)
"solid", // border styles ["solid"|"double"|"dotted"|"dashed"|"groove"|"ridge"|"inset"|"outset"] (single, double or four values; be careful with using "none")
"white #d4d4d4 #e2e2e2 #999999",// hover/focus border colors ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"] (single, double or four values)
"solid", // hover/focus border styles ["solid"|"double"|"dotted"|"dashed"|"groove"|"ridge"|"inset"|"outset"] (single, double or four values; be careful with using "none")
"#white #d4d4d4 #e2e2e2 #999999", // visited border colors ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"] (single, double or four values)
"solid", // visited border styles ["solid"|"double"|"dotted"|"dashed"|"groove"|"ridge"|"inset"|"outset"] (single, double or four values; be careful with using "none")
"10", // left/right padding ["n" pixels] (single value only)
"3", // top/bottom padding ["n" pixels] (single value only)
"transparent", // background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"]
"#d4d4d4", // hover/focus background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"]
"transparent", // visited background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"]
"1em", // font size ["em"|"ex"|"%"|"px"|"pt"|"absolute-size"|"relative-size"]
"Tahoma,Helvetica,'Trebuchet MS',Verdana,Arial,sans-serif",// font family ["font1,font2,font3"] (always end with a generic family name)
"bold", // font weight ["normal"|"bold"|"bolder"|"lighter|"100" to "900"]
"none", // text decoration ["none"|"underline"|"overline"|"line-through"]
"left", // text-align ["left"|"right"|"center"]
"#525252", // color ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
"#000000", // hover/focus color ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
"#525252", // visited color ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
"normal", // font-style ["normal"|"italic"|"oblique"]
"normal", // hover/focus font-style ["normal"|"italic"|"oblique"]
"normal", // visited font-style ["normal"|"italic"|"oblique"]
"", // additional link CSS (careful!)
"", // additional hover/focus CSS (careful!)
"", // additional visited CSS (careful!)
"none", // menu indicator character/image ["text"|"image.gif"|"none"]
"", // menu indicator rollover image ["image.gif"|"none"] (only when using image arrows)
"", // clipping width of indicator image ["n" pixels] (only when using image arrows)
"", // alt text of indicator image ["text"] (only when using image arrows)

/************************************************** *************\
\************************************************* **************/

//styles which apply to each menu
um.menus = [
"0", // menu to menu x-offset (+-)["n" pixels]
"0", // menu to menu y-offset (+-)["n" pixels]
"0", // border size ["n" pixels] (single value only)
"#007", // border colors ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"] (single, double or four values)
"solid", // border styles ["solid"|"double"|"dotted"|"dashed"|"groove"|"ridge"|"inset"|"outset"] (single, double or four values; be careful with using "none")
"13em", // width ["em"|"ex"|"px"]
"0", // padding ["n" pixels] (single value only)
"transparent", // background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"]
"", // additional menu CSS (careful!) (you can use a transition here but *not* a static filter)
"#e2e2e2", // shadow background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"|"none"]
"0", // shadow offset (+-)["em"|"ex"|"px"|"%"|"0"]
"-moz-opacity:0.85;-khtml-opacity:0.85;filter:alpha(opacity=85);", // additional shadow layer CSS (if you use a Microsoft.Shadow filter here then Win/IE5.5+ will do that *instead* of default shadow)

//styles which apply to each menu item
um.menuItems = [
"0", // margin around items ["n" pixels] (single value only; margins are like table cellspacing)
"0", // border size ["n" pixels] (single value only)
"collapse", // border collapse ["collapse"|"separate"] (only applies when margin = "0")
"#007", // border colors ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"] (single, double or four values)
"solid", // border styles ["solid"|"double"|"dotted"|"dashed"|"groove"|"ridge"|"inset"|"outset"] (single, double or four values; be careful with using "none")
"#007", // hover/focus border colors ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"] (single, double or four values)
"solid", // hover/focus border styles ["solid"|"double"|"dotted"|"dashed"|"groove"|"ridge"|"inset"|"outset"] (single, double or four values; be careful with using "none")
"#007", // visited border colors ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"] (single, double or four values)
"solid", // visited border styles ["solid"|"double"|"dotted"|"dashed"|"groove"|"ridge"|"inset"|"outset"] (single, double or four values; be careful with using "none")
"5", // left/right padding ["n" pixels] (single value only)
"5", // top/bottom padding ["n" pixels] (single value only)
"transparent", // background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"]
"#d4d4d4", // hover/focus background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"]
"transparent", // visited background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"]
"1em", // font size ["em"|"ex"|"%"|"px"|"pt"|"absolute-size"|"relative-size"]
"Tahoma,Helvetica,'Trebuchet MS',Verdana,Arial,sans-serif",// font family ["font1,font2,font3"] (always end with a generic family name)
"bold", // font weight ["normal"|"bold"|"bolder"|"lighter|"100" to "900"]
"none", // text decoration ["none"|"underline"|"overline"|"line-through"]
"left", // text-align ["left"|"right"|"center"]
"#525252", // color ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
"#000000", // hover/focus color ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
"#525252", // visited color ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
"normal", // font-style ["normal"|"italic"|"oblique"]
"normal", // hover/focus font-style ["normal"|"italic"|"oblique"]
"normal", // visited font-style ["normal"|"italic"|"oblique"]
"", // additional link CSS (careful!)
"", // additional hover/focus CSS (careful!)
"", // additional visited CSS (careful!)
"none", // submenu indicator character/image ["text"|"image.gif"|"none"]
"", // submenu indicator rollover image ["image.gif"|"none"] (only when using image arrows)
"", // clipping width of indicator image ["n" pixels] (only when using image arrows)
"", // alt text of indicator image ["text"] (only when using image arrows)

09-10-2008, 09:54 PM
Hi, with Google Chrome (beta) I have the same problem as with Safari (latest version, not beta). Simply the submenus don't come out despite the menus do after clicking on the buttons. So, yes, you say in the newsletter that the problems might be related to the beta state of Chrome, but careful anyway because Safari is not beta any longer and the problem persists:


And my udm-custom.js reads as follows:

// UDMv4.52 //
/************************************************** *************/
var um={'menuClasses':[],'itemClasses':[],'menuCode':[]};
/************************************************** *************\

ULTIMATE DROP DOWN MENU Version 4.52 by Brothercake

This script may not be used or distributed without license

\************************************************* **************/

/************************************************** *************\
\************************************************* **************/

um.baseSRC = "";
um.trigger = "new";
um.orientation = ["horizontal","left","top","absolute","0.5em","0em","1000"];
um.list = ["rigid","yes","yes"];
um.behaviors = ["100","never","yes","default"];
um.reset = ["yes","yes","yes","no"];
um.hstrip = ["none","yes"];
um.keys = ['38','39','40','37','123','none','27','document.ge tElementsByTagName("a")[4]',];
um.navbar = ["0","0","107px"];
um.items = ["1","0","collapse","#999999 #999999 #999999 #999999","solid","white white white white","solid","white white white white","solid solid solid solid","0","0","#cccccc","black","#cccccc","0.5em","verdana,tahoma,sans-serif","bold","none","center","black","#cccccc","black","normal","normal","normal","letter-spacing:1px !important;","","","none","none","",""];
um.menus = ["-3","0","0","#999999 #999999 #999999 #999999","solid","10em","0","black","","blackshadow.png","5px","filter:alpha(opacity=50);"];
um.menuItems = ["0","1","collapse","#999999","solid","black","solid","#999999","solid","2","0","black","#999999","black","90%","arial,sans-serif","normal","none","left","black","black","black","normal","normal","normal","","","",">",">","3",""];
um.menuClasses["orangeMenu"] = ["#999999 #999999 #999999 #999999","solid","10em","black","","blackshadow.png","5px","filter:alpha(opacity=50);"];
um.itemClasses["orangeMenuItem"] = ["#C26785","solid","white","solid","#C26785","solid","white","#C26785","white","100%","Gentium,Arial Unicode MS,sans-serif","normal","none","left","black","white","black","normal","normal","normal","","","",">",">",""];

um.menuCode['sanskrit'] = ''
+ '<ul class="orangeMenu">'
+ '<li class="orangeMenuItem"><a class="nohref" title="Getting started">First Steps</a>'
+ '<ul>'
+ '<li><a href="../../en/sanskrit_sanskrit1/firststeps1.shtml" title="Introduction">First Steps (1)</a></li>'
+ '<li><a href="../../en/sanskrit_sanskrit1/firststeps2.shtml" title="Going deeper into Sanskrit language and philosophies - Part 1">First Steps (2)</a></li>'
+ '<li><a href="../../en/sanskrit_sanskrit1/firststeps3.shtml" title="Going deeper into Sanskrit language and philosophies - Part 2">First Steps (3)</a></li>'
+ '<li><a href="../../en/sanskrit_sanskrit1/firststeps4.shtml" title="Sanskrit alphabet and the levels of Creation - Part 1">First Steps (4)</a></li>'
+ '<li><a href="../../en/sanskrit_sanskrit1/firststeps5.shtml" title="Sanskrit alphabet and the levels of Creation - Part 2">First Steps (5)</a></li>'
+ '<li><a href="../../en/sanskrit_sanskrit1/sanskritquotes1.shtml" title="Celebrated Sanskrit quotes - Part 1">Sanskrit quotes 1</a></li>'
+ '</ul>'
+ '</li>'

+ '<li class="orangeMenuItem"><a class="nohref" title="Writing in Sanskrit">Writing</a>'
+ '<ul>'
+ '<li><a href="../../en/sanskrit_sanskrit2/writing1.shtml" title="How to write in Sanskrit">Writing</a></li>'
+ '<li><a href="../../en/sanskrit_sanskrit2/firststrokes1.shtml" title="Drawing Sanskrit vowels">First strokes 1</a></li>'
+ '<li><a href="../../en/sanskrit_sanskrit2/firststrokes2.shtml" title="Drawing Sanskrit consonants">First strokes 2</a></li>'
+ '<li><a href="../../en/sanskrit_sanskrit2/tables.shtml" title="Complete tables containing every combination of cons.+vowel, r+cons. and so on">Tables</a></li>'
+ '<li><a href="../../en/sanskrit_sanskrit2/ancientcharacters.shtml" title="A comparative study of the ancient and new Devanāgarī characters">Ancient Sanskrit characters</a></li>'
+ '</ul>'
+ '</li>'

etc. etc.

The rest of browsers works "perfectly" with this configuration.

Thanks for your great work

09-11-2008, 05:23 PM
So far, from the reports I've seen, this looks like it's limited to the horizontal menus only. Has anyone seen / had an issue with a vertical menu?


09-26-2008, 05:29 PM
We have a few sites with vertical menus and none of them are working in Chrome - for example stranges.com. I tested both with the normal extensions and without any extensions. For what it's worth, none of our horizontal menus are working either, whether with or without extensions - for example cpts.ferris.edu.

10-17-2008, 04:16 PM

Our site uses UDM all-image horizontal menus on most pages (here's an example: http://www.gintsoftware.com/upgrades.html). In IE8 they end up displaying almost vertically. Any thoughts?

I inherited this site from the person who set it up, and I've only had to do minor tweaks to the menus so I don't know a lot about the configuration. If you tell me what kind of info would be helpful.


gINT Software

10-20-2008, 06:53 PM

// UDMv4.3 //
/************************************************** *************/
var um=new Object;um.menuClasses=[],um.itemClasses=[],um.menuCode=[];
/************************************************** *************\

ULTIMATE DROP DOWN MENU Version 4.3 by Brothercake

This script may not be used or distributed without license

\************************************************* **************/

/************************************************** *************\
\************************************************* **************/

//path to images folder
um.baseSRC = "js/udm4/udm-resources/";

//navbar orientation
um.orientation = [
"horizontal", // alignment ["vertical"|"horizontal"|"popup"]
"left", // h align ["left"|"right"|"rtl"]
"top", // v align ["top"|"bottom"]
"relative", // positioning ["relative"|"absolute"|"fixed"|"allfixed"]
"0", // x position ["em"|"ex"|"px"|"0"]
"0", // y position ["em"|"ex"|"px"|"0"]
"0", // z order ["0" to "10000"] (menu takes 20000 headroom)

//navbar list output
um.list = [
"flexible", // horizontal overflow ["rigid"|"flexible"]
"yes", // show menus to IE-based screenreaders ["yes"|"no"]
"yes", // hide static menus for netscape 4 ["yes"|"no"]

//menu behaviors
um.behaviors = [
"200", // open timer ["milliseconds"|"0"]
"500", // close timer ["milliseconds"|"never"|"0"]
"yes", // reposition menus to stay inside the viewport ["yes"|"no"]
"default", // manage windowed controls for win/ie ["default","hide","iframe","none"]

//reset behaviors
um.reset = [
"yes", // reset from do***ent mouse click ["yes"|"no"]
"yes", // reset from window resize ["yes"|"no"]
"yes", // reset from text resize ["yes"|"no"]

//horizontal continuation strip
um.hstrip = [
"none", // background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"|"none"]
"yes", // copy item margin-right to margin-bottom ["yes"|"no"]

/************************************************** *************\
\************************************************* **************/

//keyboard navigation
um.keys = [
"38", // up ["n"] ("38" = up arrow key)
"39", // right ["n"] ("39" = right arrow key)
"40", // down ["n"] ("40" = down arrow key)
"37", // left ["n"] ("37" = left arrow key)
"123", // hotkey ["n"] ("123" = F12)
"none", // hotkey modifier ["none"|"shiftKey"|"ctrlKey"|"altKey"]
"27", // escape ["n"|"none"] ("27" = escape key)
"do***ent.getElementsByTagName('a')[5]", // exit focus ["js-expression"]

/************************************************** *************\
\************************************************* **************/

//styles which apply to the navbar
um.navbar = [
"0", // nav to menu x-offset (+-)["n" pixels]
"3", // nav to menu y-offset (+-)["n" pixels]
"7.5em", // width ["em"|"ex"|"px"] (vertical navbar only - horizontal navbar items have "auto" width) ("%" doesn't work right)

//styles which apply to each navbar item
um.items = [
"0", // margin between items ["n" pixels]
"0", // border size ["n" pixels] (single value only)
"collapse", // border collapse ["collapse"|"separate"] (only applies when margin = "0")
"",// border colors ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"] (single, double or four values)
"", // border styles ["solid"|"double"|"dotted"|"dashed"|"groove"|"ridge"|"inset"|"outset"] (single, double or four values; be careful with using "none")
"",// hover/focus border colors ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"] (single, double or four values)
"", // hover/focus border styles ["solid"|"double"|"dotted"|"dashed"|"groove"|"ridge"|"inset"|"outset"] (single, double or four values; be careful with using "none")
"",// visited border colors ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"] (single, double or four values)
"",// visited border styles ["solid"|"double"|"dotted"|"dashed"|"groove"|"ridge"|"inset"|"outset"] (single, double or four values; be careful with using "none")
"6", // left/right padding ["n" pixels] (single value only)
"3", // top/bottom padding ["n" pixels] (single value only)
"",// background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"]
"",// hover/focus background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"]
"",// visited background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"]
"9px", // font size ["em"|"ex"|"%"|"px"|"pt"|"absolute-size"|"relative-size"]
"verdana,sans-serif",// font family ["font1,font2,font3"] (always end with a generic family name)
"bold", // font weight ["normal"|"bold"|"bolder"|"lighter|"100" to "900"]
"none", // text decoration ["none"|"underline"|"overline"|"line-through"]
"left", // text-align ["left"|"right"|"center"]
"#ffffff", // color ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
"#ffffff", // hover/focus color ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
"#ffffff", // visited color ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
"normal", // font-style ["normal"|"italic"|"oblique"]
"normal", // hover/focus font-style ["normal"|"italic"|"oblique"]
"normal", // visited font-style ["normal"|"italic"|"oblique"]
"",// additional link CSS (careful!)
"",// additional hover/focus CSS (careful!)
"",// additional visited CSS (careful!)
"",// menu indicator character/image ["text"|"image.gif"|"none"]
"",// menu indicator rollover image ["image.gif"|"none"] (only when using image arrows)
"10", // clipping width of indicator image ["n" pixels] (only when using image arrows)
"..", // alt text of indicator image ["text"] (only when using image arrows)

/************************************************** *************\
\************************************************* **************/

//styles which apply to each menu
um.menus = [
"0", // menu to menu x-offset (+-)["n" pixels]
"0", // menu to menu y-offset (+-)["n" pixels]
"0", // border size ["n" pixels] (single value only)
"",// border colors ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"] (single, double or four values)
"", // border styles ["solid"|"double"|"dotted"|"dashed"|"groove"|"ridge"|"inset"|"outset"] (single, double or four values; be careful with using "none")
"140px", // width ["em"|"ex"|"px"]
"0", // padding ["n" pixels] (single value only)
"#0066B7", // background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"]
"", // additional menu CSS (careful!) (you can use a transition here but *not* a static filter)
"",// shadow background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"|"none"]
"", // shadow offset (+-)["em"|"ex"|"px"|"%"|"0"]
"",// additional shadow layer CSS (if you use a Microsoft.Shadow filter here then Win/IE5.5+ will do that *instead* of default shadow)

//styles which apply to each menu item
um.menuItems = [
"0", // margin around items ["n" pixels] (single value only; margins are like table cellspacing)
"0", // border size ["n" pixels] (single value only)
"collapse", // border collapse ["collapse"|"separate"] (only applies when margin = "0")
"#666666", // border colors ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"] (single, double or four values)
"solid", // border styles ["solid"|"double"|"dotted"|"dashed"|"groove"|"ridge"|"inset"|"outset"] (single, double or four values; be careful with using "none")
"#666666", // hover/focus border colors ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"] (single, double or four values)
"solid", // hover/focus border styles ["solid"|"double"|"dotted"|"dashed"|"groove"|"ridge"|"inset"|"outset"] (single, double or four values; be careful with using "none")
"#666666", // visited border colors ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"] (single, double or four values)
"solid", // visited border styles ["solid"|"double"|"dotted"|"dashed"|"groove"|"ridge"|"inset"|"outset"] (single, double or four values; be careful with using "none")
"5", // left/right padding ["n" pixels] (single value only)
"3", // top/bottom padding ["n" pixels] (single value only)
"#0066B7", // background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"]
"#ececec", // hover/focus background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"]
"#0066B7", // visited background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"]
"9px", // font size ["em"|"ex"|"%"|"px"|"pt"|"absolute-size"|"relative-size"]
"verdana,sans-serif",// font family ["font1,font2,font3"] (always end with a generic family name)
"normal", // font weight ["normal"|"bold"|"bolder"|"lighter|"100" to "900"]
"none", // text decoration ["none"|"underline"|"overline"|"line-through"]
"left", // text-align ["left"|"right"|"center"]
"#ffffff", // color ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
"#333333", // hover/focus color ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
"#ffffff", // visited color ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
"normal", // font-style ["normal"|"italic"|"oblique"]
"normal", // hover/focus font-style ["normal"|"italic"|"oblique"]
"normal", // visited font-style ["normal"|"italic"|"oblique"]
"", // additional link CSS (careful!)
"", // additional hover/focus CSS (careful!)
"", // additional visited CSS (careful!)
"»",// menu indicator character/image ["text"|"image.gif"|"none"]
"»",// menu indicator rollover image ["image.gif"|"none"] (only when using image arrows)
"10", // clipping width of indicator image ["n" pixels] (only when using image arrows)
"..", // alt text of indicator image ["text"] (only when using image arrows)

/************************************************** *************\
\************************************************* **************/

/************************************************** *************\
\************************************************* **************/

/************************************************** *************\
\************************************************* **************/

12-02-2008, 09:41 PM

I upgraded my UDM 4.45 to 4.52 by regenerating CSS in udm-style.css (with the new CSS generator), and uploading this file along with udm-dom.js, udm-style.js and udm-control.js (I checked the nitty-gritty).

Anyway, the latest versions of Chrome and Safari DON't show the submenus on my website. In other words, nothing has been fixed for me.

Firefox and IE 7 seem to work so well as always.

My feedback.

Keep it up!

12-10-2008, 02:52 PM
IE8 Beta 2 breaks my horizontal udm nav, badly

Edit Update:

The problem does not seem to occur in IE8 Beta 3 RC 1

12-15-2008, 09:43 AM
I installed the latest version of Google Chrome, which is not beta anymore... the same problems: no submenu is shown.

Well, I hope some day someone will fix this.

12-29-2008, 08:01 PM
I'm having trouble with Safari and Chrome both ignoring li padding plus hover states of the menu. Very strange.


01-07-2009, 05:44 AM
I'm having trouble with Safari and Chrome both ignoring li padding plus hover states of the menu. Very strange.

Sorry to reply to my own question, but when I changed to use the JS version of the UDM4 menu instead of the PHP version... it seems to fix the issue. I'm not sure why this is happening, but I will post here again if I figure it out.

03-20-2009, 06:49 AM
The dropdown menu of my site does not work with IE8 either, except I enable compatibility view :(

06-07-2013, 04:36 PM
Vertical menu not expanding in Maxthon browser.

10-18-2013, 03:59 PM
Does this support the current version of Chrome?

07-04-2014, 03:09 PM
Is UDM4 still an active script? It was awesome!!