View Full Version : Inactive Space Between Navbar and Drop Down Menu ?

10-27-2008, 04:50 PM
There appears to be a space just below the Horizontal Navbar, and just above the drop down menu that is inactive and does NOT link anywhere.
If you hover just below the navbar, just before you reach the drop down menu items, the cursor shows that there is No link there.

In the sample screen shot attached, it's just below 'Account' and just above 'Order Tracking'.

Is there any way to eliminate this dead space?
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10-28-2008, 02:45 PM
That image didn't upload very well. Can you post a link to your site?

Some possible problems:

a) You have an external CSS file that's adding padding / margin to the li or a tag

b) you don't have border set to collapse

c) you have a white 1px border

Hope this helps.

10-28-2008, 02:59 PM
The site is not uploaded to any server, as we're just testing.
The image seems to look OK to me the way it uploaded, however I've uploaded another copy. We have not even genereated the css file, as were testing with the udm-custom.js only.

I did notice that your website at www.udm4.com menu has the same problem. If you move your cursor over to the boundary from the main menu to the first submenu, there is a space where there is no hyperlink.

There are no external CSS files present.
The border is set to Collapse.
And the border is a blue color, 1 pixel color.

Please advise!

That image didn't upload very well. Can you post a link to your site?

Some possible problems:

a) You have an external CSS file that's adding padding / margin to the li or a tag

b) you don't have border set to collapse

c) you have a white 1px border

Hope this helps.
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