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guy 04-25-2008 06:40 PM

You Are Here Error in IE7
My UDM4 navbar is working fine in Firefox, but the "You Are Here" extension is throwing an error in Internet Explorer 7:

Line: 24
Char: 2891
Error: 'um.n' is null or not an object
Code: 0

In addition, my "you are here" styles only show up on the menu items, but not the top-level navbar items.

Here's a link to the validated page:



vinyl-junkie 04-26-2008 03:48 AM

I don't have an answer for you, but I found a few clues that the developers of UDM4 might be able to use. First of all, your web page works just fine in Firefox. However, when I opened it in Internet Explorer, I got the same error that you did. When I clicked "yes" on the "would you like to debug" alert box, that opened up Visual Studio on my PC and highlighted the following code in youarehere.js:


yah.arrow=(!um.mie&&typeof um.n.ga=='function')?um.n.ga(link):null
As I said, it's just a clue but perhaps the UDM4 developers will be able to interpret it and fix the problem.

guy 10-13-2008 09:59 PM

Just a follow-up to let anyone else having this problem know that upgrading to the most recent version of the You Are Here extension eliminated the IE7 error for me.

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