Ultimate Web Site Drop Down Menu Forum

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05-23-2008 06:46 PM

Looks good in FF not in IE7
I cannot figure out what is happening with this page. I am editing a page that was created by someone else. I don't understand how come the right border graphic lines up perfectly with the header and footer in Firefox but not in IE7. I even tried making the spacer width smaller by a pixel but that just made both versions show the border a pixel too far to the left.

I think that I just need another pair of eyes. I have gotten myself frustrated so I am sure that the answer is right in front of me. :p

Thank you so much for your help!

05-30-2008 03:15 AM

Yeah, that looks like a fun problem. Looks like the site was made with Image Ready and it sliced it up. And the code is using nested tables, which tend to be tricky to fix if there's a problem.

One method that might work, is to start adding "border = '1' " to some of the tables to get an idea of where the tables are, then start adjusting the widths as needed to get the fix.

otooo 09-24-2008 08:52 AM

I am actually having the same problem with the sidebar of my blog in IE 7 - works perfectly in Firefox
Any suggestions?

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