Ultimate Web Site Drop Down Menu Forum

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-   -   Distance in between submenus (http://www.udm4.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2710)

nhartman 10-22-2008 10:11 PM

Distance in between submenus
I"m getting a distance inbetween the sub menus and have no idea why please help.. under products the submenu for INOGEN ONE AND INVACARE are distanced out aways from the submenu with oxygen concentrators

Please advise what to change i've tried so many things and nothing made a difference

10-23-2008 01:29 PM

In your udm-custom.js file look for these lines in the um.menus section....


    "0",        // menu -> menu x-offset (+-)["n" pixels]
    "0",        // menu -> menu y-offset (+-)["n" pixels]

That controls how far your sub menus will appear. If they are set to 0 (or some reasonably small number), then you probably have some conflicting external CSS.

nhartman 10-23-2008 01:54 PM

the code is set to "0" for the x and y off sets and through all the CSS there's no NAVBAR used in any of the CSS code.. any ideas what would conflict?

nhartman 10-23-2008 03:21 PM

Nevermind i'm a goofball it worked.. thank you for the help!!!

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